License: GPL v3

CompARE is a web-platform inspired to provide help on issues relating to trials with composite endpoints. CompARE may be used as a tool for calculating the elements needed in the planning phase of clinical trials involving composite endpoints. With its user-friendly interface, CompARE allows to input the main parameters included in the trial -such as the treatment effect on the components of the composite endpoint, and its frequencies of occurrence- and helps provide power and sample size calculations among others.

CompARE comprises two different Shiny apps: one devoted to time-to-event endpoints, the other to binary endpoints.

You can also find the R-package version of CompARE in CRAN CompAREdesign.

Getting Started

If you are a newcomer, we recommend starting with the tutorial vignettes. These vignettes provide an introduction to CompARE:

App features

Effect size
Studying the treatment effect for the composite endpoint
Time to event         Binary

Sample Size
Computing the number of patients under different scenarios
Time to event         Binary

Endpoint Selection
Identifying the best endpoint combination for the design
Time to event         Binary

Assessing the degree of association between components