1. J. Cortés, M. Bofill and G. Gómez (2022). Design of Trials with Composite Endpoints with the R Package CompAREdesign. arXiv:2211.02535

  2. M. Bofill, J. Cortés and G. Gómez (2020). Decision tool and Sample Size Calculator for Composite Endpoints. arXiv:2001.03396

  3. M. Bofill and G. Gómez (2019). A new approach for sizing trials with composite binary endpoints using anticipated marginal values and accounting for the correlation between components. Statistics in Medicine. DOI 10.1002/sim.8092

  4. M. Bofill and G. Gómez (2017). Selection of composite binary endpoints in clinical trials. Biom J. 2018 Mar;60(2):246-261. DOI 10.1002/bimj.201600229

  5. G. Gómez, O.Plana-Ripoll and U.Dafni. (2016). Selection of the primary endpoint in an observational cohort study. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. Volume 70, Issue 10, pp 950-953

  6. O. Plana and G. Gómez. (2016). Selecting the primary endpoint in randomized clinical trial. The ARE method. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics. Volume 26, Issue 5, 880-898.

  7. Gómez, G. and Gómez-Mateu, M. (2014) The Asymptotic Relative Efficiency and the ratio of sample sizes when testing two different null hypotheses. SORT: Statistics and Operations Research Transactions. Vol. 38, num 1, pp. 73-88.

  8. Gómez, G, Gómez-Mateu, M and Dafni, U. (2014) Informed Choice of Composite End Points in Cardiovascular Trials. Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. Vol 7, pp 170-178.

  9. Gómez, G. and Lagakos, S.W. (2013) Statistical considerations when using a composite endpoint for comparing treatment groups. Statistics in Medicine. Vol 32(5), pp. 719-738.