1. Introduction to CompARE for Binary Endpoints

  2. M. Bofill, G. Gómez, M. Posch and F. Koening (2023-09-06). Adaptive selection of binary composite endpoints and sample size reassessment based on blinded data. Presentation for the 5th Conference of the Central European Network.

  3. J. Cortés, M. Bofill and G. Gómez, (2021-06-16). Two tools to study Composite Endpoints: CompARE and CompAREdesign. Workshop Biostatnet Software: celebrating 10 years of Biostatnet (online)

  4. G. Gómez (2020-01-14). Exploring the use of composite endpoints in clinical trials. Oxford University Clinical Research Unit.

  5. G. Gómez, J. Cortés and M. Bofill (2019). CompARE: a web app to study Composite Endpoints. International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB).

  6. M. Bofill and G. Gómez (2018-07-09). Sample Size Derivation for Composite Binary Endpoints Accounting for Departures of the Anticipated Values. XXIXth International Biometric Conference (IBC 2018)

  7. G. Gómez (2017-09-15). Non-proportional hazards. Consequences on required sample sizes. Conferencia Española de Biometría (Sevilla).

  8. M. Bofill and G. Gómez (2017-05). The anticipated odds ratios to decide the choice of a primary binary endpoint. Conference of the Eastern Mediterranean Region of the International Biometric Society.

  9. G. Gómez (2017-05-27). Using composite endpoints in clinical trials. Dept. Biostatistics. Neurostatistics Working Group. Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

  10. G. Gómez (2016-02-04). Planning clinical trials with composite endpoints. Statistical Inference, Decision and Operations Research (SiDOR). Universidad de Vigo (Vigo).

  11. G. Gómez (2014-11-21). Selecting the primary endpoint in a randomized clinical trial. How efficient is to add a new component to the primary endpoint?. Dept. Biostatistics. Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.